![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:14 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I'll keep posting this one periodically to make sure everyone sees is. The last autocross of the season is in two weeks, Sunday November 16th, and I think it needs to go out with a bang. I'm electing that we get as many people to sign up as possible and give it one last go until spring.
I've already signed up, but here's the link for everyone else. I'm driving Heat 3 and working Heat 1.
Also, November 15th is out Cars & Coffee. This month's will be held out west at Creative Composites, next to Mel Hambelton Ford. You guys are in for a real treat, the owner has roughly $40-50 Mil worth of cars in the building, or at least the last time I was there.
Any questions, feel free to chime in.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:18 |
No, Honda. You are not airplane. Stop it.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:19 |
Need. Moar. DOWNFORCE.
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*does wheelie over 20 mph* :)
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:23 |
A. 1 week
B. Link?
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:25 |
Right. I just copy/pasted from last time.
Here you go: http://www.motorsportreg.com/events/2014-wi…
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:30 |
1. I'll see you all at Cars and Coffee. Are we meeting beforehand and all driving up at once again, or foregoing that since there's a cruise over to that guy's building?
2. Uuuh, this is awkward, but I might need to borrow someone's car for AutoX. I need to drive a manual (I'll try to talk them out of the "must be manual" restriction since I drove a stick last autox) in order to "prove" I can handle a car and get a seat in the Formula SAE car. I'll try to convince them to just let me do it in the 'Sofa, but I dunno. I might be able to borrow an unregistered 5-speed Honda Civic with missing glass, missing headlight, and full of rat turds.
Either way, I'll see you all there.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:33 |
Registered! Driving Heat 3 and working heat 1
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:36 |
I know Jake's doing the caravan out there, so I'd talk to him. I live about a mile from Creative Composites, so I'm just going straight there.
I'm autocrossing an automatic this time so I really can't help you there. Normally, Jake's pretty nice about driving his car, but it's up to him. I'd do the Civic, that sounds like fun, to be honest. It'll be too cold to get any real fast times, so might as well bring something ridiculous. Just vacuum the rat turd, for your own sake.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:43 |
I'll have to talk to my friend who owns it to get it fixed up. If the synchros are shot I'm probably screwed.
I'm mostly asking if anyone has a manual beater that is autocrossable. I'd rather not drive anyone's nice car, given that I've driven manual 3 times in my life.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:49 |
Right. I can't think of any manual beaters we have right now. My DD Saturn's an auto, same with my Blazer. The only manual I have is the Honda, which is too nice to lend, no offense, and my dad's SVO, which isn't mine to lend out.
Do they not know you drove stick last time?
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:50 |
Yes, but it seems I have to do it twice, which I don't recall being told before.
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I'll just duct-tape a shifter boot and stick to the floor and disconnect my parking brake pedal and pretend I'm driving stick. The sofa never leaves 1st gear anyways...
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:57 |
Well maybe talk to them, who knows. You've already shown you can drive stick.
Drew's taking his Jetta, you could try him. I think it'll be too cold for any serious runs. I'm going just to listen to my own Flowmasters, to hell with the times.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 22:59 |
Drew is autocrossing the sportwagen? And his parents are letting him? I'm impressed.
We might actually have all of Wichita Oppo in one place for once.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 23:02 |
He told me he registered.
Pretty sure Gabe should be going too. I talked to him about doing breakfast before the event.
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![]() 11/09/2014 at 23:23 |
I'm pretty sure the weight of that wing alone will provide enough weight on the wheels, without downforce.
![]() 11/12/2014 at 22:08 |
I'm thinking of going, but I'll be in the world's worst Volvo 740, if I do. Snow tires, loud-ass exhaust, recalcitrant shifter and 14mpg. However, it is manual.